The Engineering Profession
Being an Engineer
Engineers apply scientific and mathematical principles to solve problems, optimise solutions, maintain systems and spearhead the entire spectrum of human technological advancements. The distinguishing feature between engineers and technologists or technicians is the deep understanding of science and mathematics which enable them to have a foundational understanding of real-world problems. For this reason, engineers generally have a substantial academic background by means of engineering degrees in specialized fields of engineering.
The warrant and the title of ‘Inġinier’
In Malta, the Inġiniera Act (Cap. 321) defines the eligibility for the warrant as well as the duties and obligations pertaining to a warrant holder. Per the Inġiniera Act (Cap. 321), one is eligible for the Engineering Profession (Inġinier) Warrant based on the following requirements:
- The person is in possession of an engineering degree from the University of Malta or an equivalent academic qualification relating to the engineering profession both of which, at the relevant time, are recognised by the Board to be sufficient for the purpose. The assessment of academic qualifications required for the warrant eligibility is explained here.
- for the period of not less than one year before or after obtaining the qualification referred to in point 1) one has undergone practical engineering training approved by the Board. The practical engineering training can also be done during undergraduate level as part of an internship or student employment.
- for a period of not less than two years after obtaining the qualification referred to in point 1) one has trained in the practice of the profession under the supervision of a practising inġinier (i.e. a warrant holder). These 2 years work experience need to be carried out after graduating. The work experience done needs to be attested in the form of a reference letter by the warranted engineer who is supervising the work who details the engineering work performed and the experience gained.
The Engineering Profession Warrant is applied for through the online portal. The application form asks to state membership in any engineering organisations (e.g. CoE) which is used to support the application as it demonstrates professional responsibility and active interest and involvement in the professional community. Information on the application submission timeline may be found in the link above.
The guidance notes for candidates sitting for an assessment for the award of the engineering profession warrant are given here.
Eur. Ing. Title and FEANI
This is a title awarded by FEANI (Fédération Européene d’Associations Nationale d’Ingénieurs) to applicants that are first vetted by national committees of FEANI member associations, NMC, and then brought in front of a central FEANI Board known as the EMC (European Monitoring Committee). There are precise rules for award. In practice many countries do not agree with all the conditions, and in some countries the award is simply not given. This applies particularly in Italy, and other Southern Region countries.
The Chamber of Engineers is the local body affiliated to FEANI, and it has been a member for more than twenty years. The Chamber has a local National Monitoring Committee, (NMC) called Inġiniera Malta which vets applications for the Eur. Ing title. Kamra tal-Periti are joint members in Inġiniera Malta.
The criteria necessary are a first degree (an M.Sc. without a first degree is not automatically accepted) and five years working experience in an engineering environment. The range of acceptable areas range from civil engineering to forest and food engineering.
The Chamber has close collaboration with FEANI and it participates actively in the annual business meetings of FEANI.
It is important to note that the Eur. Ing. title is not an alternative to the warrant. The title has to be included after the person’s name (post-nominal). This is contrary to the “Inġ.” title which is pre-nominal.