Our Quality of Life depends on Engineers and Technical Specialists

In the last few days, Malta suffered from the consequences of a heatwave which was exacerbated by persistent faults in the electricity distribution system. These faults left businesses, healthcare institutions and households without power for hours leading to a general public outcry that denounced the impoverishment of the quality of life, revenues and service provision nationwide.

Looking at the effort that was put in to fix the situation, the Chamber of Engineers expresses its profound recognition to all the engineers, technicians and supporting staff who rose to the occasion, helping the nation to get back on track. The Chamber appreciates that these colleagues have worked under unprecedented pressure and during unusual times to ensure that electricity could be restored in the shortest time possible.

As we commend the efforts of all those involved, the Chamber urges the Government and all the interested parties to act proactively by planning and injecting the necessary investment and knowledge to address the root cause of the problem. We must prevent similar issues from happening again once and for all. Solid and strategic forward planning is especially vital in view of the growing economy, developments, and electrification of transport.

Like any other country, Malta depends on engineers and technical staff to solve major problems. This experience should serve as an eye-opener to authorities and stakeholders on the undisputed need for engineers and technicians across all relevant sectors of society. Malta is annually supplying very few engineers and technicians, which is alarming for a modern country which wants to grow in sync with the developments of technology.

The Chamber of Engineers makes itself available to decision-makers to support any solution-oriented activity on the above issues of critical importance to our country.

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