The EUR ING Certificate is officially awarded by ENGINEERS EUROPE. In order to apply for the title, the undermentioned steps are to be followed:  

  • Applicant is to be a fully paid member of the Chamber of Engineers, where such a membership needs to be a Warranted Class Membership or a paid member of the Kamra tal-Periti as determined by an official circular issued by the Kamra 
  • Applicant is to submit the application through the portal: 
  • The application is to be completed in its entirety, including the submission of any relevant documents, certificates and references 
  • Once application is submitted, Inginiera Malta, the National ​Monitoring Committee shall vet and may ask for an interview with the applicant.
  • If the application is vetted successfully, the National ​Monitoring Committee shall submit to the European Monitoring Committee at ENGINEERS EUROPE. 


EUR ING titles awarded from 1 January 2023 onwards shall have the validity of 5 years (EUR ING 2.0).  

The EUR ING 2.0 will need to apply for a renewal through the National Monitoring Committee and pay a renewal fee. Subsequently he/she will need to upload continuous professional development (CPD) evidence. The E-tool application system permits the EUR ING holder to upload PDF records of CPD on a continuous basis. The European Monitoring Committee of ENGINEERS EUROPE shall be providing more detailed guidance on this matter. This page shall be updated as soon as this is established.  


  • EUR ING Application: €285 
  • EUR ING Renewal: €125 

Further information: 

ENGINEERS EUROPE have issued an “EUR ING Tutorialand “EUR ING SPECwhich describe in further details the criteria for the EUR ING Certificaton. 

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