Parliamentary Interventions on the Proposed Amendments to the Engineering Profession Act

A very important subject for the profession, the Engineering Profession Act (Cap.321), has lately reached parliament through remarks made by Hon. Perit Toni Bezzina in June and further remarks by Hon. Minister Ian Borg made lately in response to the former arguments.

Important to note is the fact that although the referred remarks in Parliament were made in scope of the proposed amendments to the engineering profession act, and certain documents were tabled, the first reading of this amendment did not yet occur. The Chamber refers to the update communicated by the Chamber on the 30th June 2020 for the latest update on the situation and the latest publication of facts and clarifications which will be further disseminated on the Chamber’s social media.

The Chamber has drawn the clips of the subject interventions from the Parliament of Malta’s media archive and is reproducing them below for the benefit of the engineering community and the general public which is interested in the engineering profession.

As frequently contemplated, the Chamber is driven to increase education on the engineering profession and to continue raising awareness on issues of interest which are affecting the profession and hence the public.

The Chamber would like to clarify the following:

  1. The requests from the engineering community made during the Chamber’s EGM are not formally confirmed. The Chamber has registered progress during talks but is soon expecting a reply from the board on the consolidated draft.
  2. Regarding the separate issue of the eligibility of MCAST students for the engineering warrant; the Chamber is one player in the review process of the bridging studies being proposed. The focused objectives of the Chamber here are to ensure a level playing playing field for eligibility towards the warrant, safeguard standards of the profession and ensure that the proposed bridging studies address the deficiencies which were pointed out in previous independent quality assurance review. These principles from the Chamber have been laid down and communicated through a position paper which was also sent to the reviewer of this proposed bridging studies. This evaluation process is ongoing.

Without commenting any further the Chamber encourages you to follow the video clips below to remain informed on the remarks being made in our parliament. Keep following our website to remain updated with more relevant news

Remarks from Hon. Minister Ian Borg – Plenary Session – 22nd July 2020


Remarks from Hon. Perit Toni Bezzina – Plenary Session – 16th June 2020

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