Conference | Engineers Making a Difference in Challenging Times – Few Places Left!
- 14/11/2020
- Posted by: Chamber of Engineers
- Category: Annual Engineering Conference

The Chamber of Engineers holds the engineering conference on an annual basis. Although 2020 presents multiple challenges due to health and safety concerns, the conference will still be held with appropriate format changes and with a theme which pays tribute for our esteemed members of the profession.
The 27th Annual Engineering Conference is titled ‘Engineers Making A Difference in Challenging Times’. This edition will be held as an Online Conference and will be split into three sessions with two 15-minute breaks in-between. Date and time are as follows
? Saturday 14th November 2020
? 09:15hrs to 13:00hrs
We believe that Engineers play a very important role within society and even more during times of crisis. This conference will explore this theme and we therefore cordially invite you to join us. The speakers will share their expertise and experiences within engineering and the larger contribution of the engineer to society during difficult times.
Full programme of event and speaker line-up can be found below.
Speaker’s Profile can be found in the following link: Speaker’s Profiles
This online conference is free of charge and the online meeting platform will be shared after registration. Please follow the below form to register.