Promoting the Engineering Profession: A Fresh Initiative by the CoE

Throughout 2020, the Chamber of Engineers (CoE) had embarked an ambitious project entitled ‘The Engineer in Society: Development of Promotional Material and Outreach Initiatives about the Engineering Profession’ which is being funded under the framework of the Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme (VOPS). The development work in scope of this project is ongoing in an active manner with the support of esteemed members of the engineering community.

In previous years, the gradual reduction in students opting for engineering education courses in the tertiary level of academic formation, became of a concerning pattern to the Chamber. Likewise, this situation had concerning implications on the country. In this regard, the CoE had led a VOPS-funded research study to investigate the reasons and causes behind this declining uptake of engineering courses.

The research study Engineering Education in Malta proposed a strategy for a way forward, highlighting key areas which require clear attention to mitigate the problem and encourage further attraction to engineering careers.

The Engineer in Society targets to leverage these key recommendations with the objective of developing a toolkit with the necessary tools for an effective campaign. The following objectives having been clearly identified:-

  • Raise awareness about the engineering profession
  • Challenge and clarify misconceptions about the profession
  • Promote the engineering profession via public relations material
  • Engage with stakeholders of the engineering profession.
  • Cooperate with policymakers to drive an agenda which supports the engineering profession.

The project aims to have a wide reach in the community from the younger students to the older generation and in order to develop the required public relations material. To this effect, the CoE, following a call for provision of services, engaged the up and coming Growth Gurus as a provider to deliver materials related to photography, videography and graphic design.

The work which is ongoing behind the scenes is substantial and this is possible thanks to the willingness of members of the engineering profession to participate in initiatives which support the appreciation of their own profession. Various engineers and stakeholders are supporting this project on a voluntary basis with direct and indirect input in project materials and progression.

Project management is being spearheaded by the CoE in collaboration with the talent at Growth Gurus and colleagues in the profession who are expected to feature in the campaign material. Members of the profession will all have a direct role in the dissemination of the material, the multiplier effect the project seeks to create and the level of impact of the campaign.

Execution activity is ongoing and further major updates will be shared in 2021.

This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector on behalf of Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations within the Ministry for Education and Employment


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