Engineer Your Career: Encouraging students to choose Engineering

The “Engineer your Career” campaign led by the Chamber of Engineers in the past 12 weeks, shared a total of 22 testimonials of engineers with career stories meant to inspire the younger generations and attract more students towards choosing   engineering as a profession

The campaign “Engineer your Career” was born out of a funded project aimed to raise awareness on the engineering profession and the engineer. These testimonials highlight the versatility of the engineering profession and continue to underline the positive impact that engineers leave within society.

 Engineer Your Career, which was covered though various local TV, Radio and Social media channels, enjoyed a very positive reception. The campaign also achieved good written coverage through various news portals and the reach of the videos together with the personal feedback obtained, increase the confidence in the good dissemination of these videos towards their target audience, namely; students, parents and also the general public” explained Ing Malcolm Zammit

As described during its launch, this campaign sought to bring engineering closer to society and give the necessary insight to students with an interest in an engineering career. Following consecutive weeks of dissemination, the campaign will be renewing itself to develop a growing relevance. The Engineer Your Career campaign is based upon a long-term vision, which is that to provide the necessary tools andresources for better understanding of engineering and the relevant career paths.

The Chamber of Engineers extends praise to those members of the engineering profession who through their professional experience are providing inspiration to the future prospective engineers and through whom the engineering profession has rekindled itself to share more about the reward of an engineering career. The Chamber also thanks the numerous organisations and individuals who have supported the creation and publication of these campaign videos which shall remain publicly available through the Chamber’s website.

The Engineer Your Career campaign will continue to develop itself into a staple term associated with the promotion of engineering career paths and the Chamber will invest more into it by employing the campaign on a regular and timely basis to release additional relevant material and continue to give good service to the profession and to society.

Engineer Your Career has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme (VOPS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector on behalf of Parliamentary Secretary for Sports, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations within the Ministry of Inclusion and Social Wellbeing. This project/publication reflects the views only of the author, and the MISW and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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