Inġiniera Elected to the Parliament of Malta

The Chamber of Engineers is satisfied to remark the active participation of more Inġiniera in the country’s democratic structures.  

Following the 2022 General Election, the Parliament of Malta will comprise of the highest number of Inġiniera in Malta’s Parliamentary history. The incumbent Inġ. Ryan Callus, the first Inġinier to be elected to Parliament back in 2013, has been joined by Inġ. Mark Anthony Sammut, both of whom were elected on the 26th March. Inġ. Rebekah Cilia and Inġ. Stanley Zammit have been elected to Parliament through the casual elections of 12th April.  

As a Chamber, we are confident that this increased participation of Inġiniera in the House of Representatives will inspire more activism within the professional community and will empower more engineers to take a more active role within society.  

The Engineering Profession has significant contributions to make towards our country and the versatility of the profession is expected to be of an increasingly positive impact towards the country’s democratic and economic development. 

The Chamber of Engineers congratulates all the honourable Members of Parliament and looks forward to collaborating with the Inġiniera MPs and the relevant authorities for the best representation of the engineering community in Malta and the advancement of the engineering profession. 


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