Making Occupational Health & Safety A Priority

In view of the most recent reports of fatalities, accidents and near misses occurring on construction sites, the Chamber of Engineers urges all industry players to carry out an exercise of introspection. 

The Chamber reflects on each occupational accident since health and safety is one of the key priorities for engineers and is considered a fundamental part of the contribution of the engineering profession to society. With reference to the most recent incident involving a scaffolding structure, the Chamber first and foremost highlights that the case must be allowed to be addressed impartially by the competent authorities, however it advises Inġiniera to always adhere to the code of ethics in the practise of their professional duties. 

Health & safety is at the core of the Chamber’s mission and, in this respect, gauges an opportunity to re-iterate the importance of health and safety considerations in all sectors of society, especially the workplace, where appropriate measures will ensure protection of the public and peace of mind for human resources which are so essential for our country. 

The Chamber urges all stakeholders to investigate the most recent statistics related to both fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents as such figures should spur us to seriously think about the impact that our decisions have. These actions, or lack thereof, may lead to an injury or fatality, which apart the obvious consequences, always places a burden on a family, a burden that is seldom spoken about. 

As such, the Chamber encourages all professionals to keep pushing for the best standards possible and to remain vigilant as much as possible. As professionals, we are equally responsible in safeguarding the health and safety of all those who work to earn a living and their respective families. Health & safety is indeed priceless and we need to collectively work to make it an intrinsic part of our lifestyle. 

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