Notice to Warrant Holders: Election for 3 members on the Inġiniera Board
- 02/08/2022
- Posted by: Gaetano Bugelli
- Category: Miscellaneous News

Holders of the Engineering Profession Warrant under the Inġiniera Act (Cap. 321), and listed on the Warrant Holders List published on the Government Gazette of 5th April 2022, should have received a circular from the Inġiniera Board notifying about the election process for the 3 Inġiniera Board Members to be elected from amongst warrant holders.
Voting for the elections of three (3) positions on the Inginiera Board (formerly known as the Engineering Profession Board) will be held on Monday 22nd of August 2022 at between 15:00 and 19:00 at the Boardroom, Block A in the Ministry for Public Works and Planning, Francesco Buonamici Street, Floriana. Duly filled nomination forms for the subject 3 seats will be accepted on 8th, 9th and 10th August 2022 between 14:00 and 16:00 in the same mentioned venue.
As the professional organisation that independently represents the engineering profession with authorities, the Chamber encourages all warrant holders to ensure they have received the above mentioned notification and to actively participate in this democratic process to elect deserving representatives of Inġiniera on the Board.
Regulations with regards to the above mentioned election can be found here.