Notice to Warrant Holders: Election for 3 members on the Inġiniera Board

Holders of the Engineering Profession Warrant under the Inġiniera Act (Cap. 321) and listed on the Warrant Holders List have been notified about the election process for the 3 Inġiniera Board Members from amongst warrant holders.

The elections for 3 positions on the Inġiniera Board will be held on Monday 2nd September 2024 between 14:00 and 19:00. You will be able to vote at Project House Main Hall Level -1, Francesco Bounamici Street Floriana.

The Board will receive nominations filled in as per the legal requirements listed out in the Inġiniera Act (Cap. 321, section 6) between Monday 19th August and Wednesday 21st August (09:00 to 12:00) at the Meeting hub Block B in the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works, Francesco Bounamici Street Floriana.

Each prospective candidate needs to present the nomination form filled in personally to one of the existing board members or one of their delegates. The nomination form has been sent out to your registered address as warrant holder. An acknowledgement of the received nomination will be provided. Objection or cancellations of nominations can occur on Monday 26th August between 09:00 and 12:00 at the same premises.

Per the election regulations the Chamber is duty bound with communicating notices and updates regarding these elections. Please refer to the website for the nomination form and regulations.

The Chamber of Engineers encourages all warrant holders to closely evaluate the candidates throughout the coming days and exercise their fundamental right to vote.


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