Use of Professional Title – Engineering Profession in Malta
- 16/12/2021
- Posted by: Gaetano Bugelli
- Category: Press Releases

The Engineering Profession Warrant, issued under the Inġiniera Act (Cap.321), ensures consumer protection and safety and is achievable only through specific requirements enshrined in Cap.321.
Inġiniera, or warrant holders, are bound by the Code of Ethics which is also enshrined at law. The Code of Ethics guides warrant holders to adhere to a standard code of practice to be adopted by all professionals with the ultimate aim being to ensure that the profession preserves its highest possible standards in serving society in general.
The Chamber of Engineers reminds the public and the stakeholders concerned, about the provisions of Chapter 321 of the Laws of Malta, Inġiniera Act, Article 19(2):
(2) Any person who, not being entitled to in terms of this Act, assumes or uses the designation “Inġinier” or its abbreviation “Inġ.”, or in any manner indicates that he is entitled to exercise the profession of inġinier shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine (multa) not exceeding one thousand two hundred and fifty euro (€1,250), and in respect of a second or subsequent offences, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
The law implies that any misuse of the title or any attempt to give the impressio that an individual is lawfully allowed to practice the profession of engineer is considered to be unlawful and may carry the implications as established by law.
The Chamber is issuing the below key facts with examples of correct use of titles and misuse of title so that any individuals concerned ensure that they regularise their position in favour of the consumer’s protection and the safeguard of the engineering profession.
The Chamber of Engineers will continue to exercise zero tolerance on this matter and encourages members of the public and/or warrant holders to report any such findings directly to the authorities and the Chamber.